Thursday, 21 February 2013

How to start blogging

Simple steps to follow

  • Click on new blog

Follow the instructions

  • Chose Good title for your blog
  • chose URL for you blog like
  • Then chose the style for your site
  • After choosing Style and then Click on create blog
If having problem then see the images you will understand easily.......  

After Completing you will see this 

Posted By Unknown 08:31

Monday, 18 February 2013

How to launch Goolge chrome like Internet Explorer in Window 8

Window 8 has awesome Features in it !!

Now you can also use google chrome as Internet explorer
by doing 2 steps in your Browser
  • Open Google chrome
  • Click on this icon on the top right side
  • Click on Relunch Google in Window 8 Mode

Posted By Unknown 03:33

Saturday, 16 February 2013

The New Acer Chromebook

Newly introduced Product of google  

As we have seen That google is growing very fast and introducing new to new things to this World (to us )

Posted By Unknown 22:30

Friday, 15 February 2013

10 Hottest ‘Top-To-Toe’ Wearable Gadgets | The-Leading-Edge

Top 10 Hottest Wearable Gadgets

The thing with electronic gadgets is that it is a display of your taste, your style and even your personality – from the decal you choose to put your Mac or iPad Mini, the favorite geeky T-shirt you wear to class or work, or even your choice of tablets But now we can take this up a notch by putting on our favorite wearable gadgets that don’t just look good but works great as well.The thing with electronic gadgets is that it is a display of your taste, your style and even your personality – from the decal you choose to put your Mac or iPad Mini, the favorite geeky T-shirt you wear to class or work, or even your choice of tablets But now we can take this up a notch by putting on our favorite wearable gadgets that don’t just look good but works great as well.

We’ve compiled a series of functional and fashionable items that have the appearance of everyday apparel camouflaging simple but powerful gadgetry. Some of them are already in the open market, while others are still in the concept stages, awaiting to make its debut to excited fans.

1. I’m Watch

The I’m Watch is a smartwatch that has its own market of apps. It connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and once connected, it does what your smartphone does. You can receive notifications, read emails or messages, and make or receive calls.

The watch is touchscreen and can act as a hands-free device with its built-in microphone. It also has an app store, and programmers are able to build new apps for its unique ecosystem. Available in seven colors, it is on the market at $400 a pop.
Go here For this

Posted By Unknown 02:08

Friday, 8 February 2013

How to Start Blogging -Leading-Egde

Waiting to start blogging !

Have you been wanting to start blogging, or possibly earn some income as a professional blogger? It can be quite difficult to get started. As with any business venture, professional blogging should not be taken lightly. There will be financial investment and a lot of hard work if you really want to become a serious blogger.

Maybe you just want to blog as a way to express yourself, rather than try to make money online. Either way, there are certain steps everyone should make when beginning to blog, whether professionally, as a hobby or both.

Now a days Most of the people leaving their jobs and start blogging. As i have seen that  Blogging is becoming a passion to do work on it .

Some Blogger do work for their obsession and some do blogging for making money online

It depends on you how you work for your blog, or how long you work on it...

How Do I Start a Blog? and why ??

I will tell you the all process step by step and easy to follow, guide that will help you setup your own blog from the start. This guide is not to motivate someone to start blogging. It is best suited for someone who already made the decision to start a blog and need some step by step direction of the whole process

Posted By Unknown 13:44

Why should i become blogger ?

Blogging is becoming more and more popular everyday. why you should join the blogger? 
Their are some reasons that why you should join blogger 
have a small look on them

To Express Your Thoughts (express your self) and Opinions

Every pesron have its own hidden potentiol in it I know that, the potentiol is also hidden in you. You can impress your visiters by your good thoughts and opinions blog provide you place to express your self

To Help People 

Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. You can help other people by just telling them soluiton that is in your mind or give them a source of help.

To Market or Promote Something

Blogger is the great way to promote your product ,it helps you to introduce new things to the 1000's of visiters on blog
If you become a blogger it will help you to increase knowledge it always introduce new things.
Those things are very useful to you

Posted By Unknown 13:35